Title: Snack From Sibu
Y3K Bilingual (English/ Chinese) Cookbook
Author: Low Nguk LengY3K Bilingual (English/ Chinese) Cookbook
Publisher: Y Three K Publisher
First published: June 2008
Selling Price: RM18 (excluding postage charges)
For enquiry, please e-mail to:y3krecipes@gmail.com
First published: June 2008
Selling Price: RM18 (excluding postage charges)
For enquiry, please e-mail to:y3krecipes@gmail.com
随 着岁月的过去,我也身为人妻人母,为了让子女及丈夫吃得开心及富有营养,我到处学烹饪,厨艺进一步获得提升,并获得诗巫基督教青年会的邀请教导烹饪课程, 为时十五年之久,目前已届退休年龄。除了传统福州美食之外,糕点及小食制作依然是我的最爱,常不知不觉投入时间研究,家人因此口福不浅。
相 信所有对烹饪有研究的人都希望出版一本属于自己的食谱专辑,我也不例外。感谢同乡钱学芬老师向来自西马Y3K出版社老板余先生伉俪推荐,在她的穿针引线之 下,让我实现这十多年的梦想,协助我完成这本食谱。这本书内的福州小食及地方糕粿是累计我多年研究的成果,希望与大家分享,并获得你们的支持!
A Century Of Inherited Customs
An Oasis Of Fookchow Culture
Sibu is the third largest of the 11 divisions in Sarawak. Population estimate stands at 20 thousand and is made up of generally Chinese at around 62%. Fookchow people form the largest group though there are a vast number of different dailects too.
Local history narrated by Mr. Wong Nai Siong, a local born in China, had many same villagemen from Fookchow settling in Sibu a century ago. It was in 21-1-1901 when 72 Fookchow immigrants emigrated here. A second batch of 535 came at a later date of 16-3-1901. This date had become a celebrity cause but in June 1901, another batch of 511 Fookchow immigrants came along, thus, it promoted Sibu to be known as the town to offer spontaneous Fookchow hospitality.
Their earnest work has left a legacy that charaterizes Sibu today. Though some of the serenity is gone but it has helped to launch many development plans. The clan has a strong rapport and embraces a good sence of filiar piety values towards elders. Of course there is no difficulty getting good Fookchow cuisine in Sibu. Most famous dishes known as Ting Pian Hoo, or Fookchow Preserved Vegetable Meehoon Soup, Fookchow Meesuah, Red Rice Wine Residue Duck and many more.
The compilation of 60 recipes into the book, "Snacks From Sibu" comes from Fookchow lady Madam Lau. Her four grown-up children always reminisced about her cooking. This certainly gave her good inspiration to put all details into print. Try cooking them as you will find these treats well-worth your efforts.
Richard & Catherine
根 据诗巫史料记载,中国福州人黄乃裳游说他的乡人移民到诗巫,结果成功招募了首批72名福州人于1901年1月21日抵达。第二批535名福州人在同年的3 月16日抵步,从此,这一天即被福州人定为"新福州垦场纪念日"。在6月,最后一批511福州人到达后,诗巫也被称为"新福州"。
余庚财与谢宋美(编 辑)
咸味小食糕点 Savoury Snacks
8) 福州红糟鸭 Red Rice Wine Yeast Unique Duck
10) 烧饼夹糟肉 Deep-Fried Buns Sandwiched with Meat
12) 鸡窝蛋 Chicken Coop Eggs
13) 家乡炸面包 Yesteryear Fried Bread
14) 酥炸三文治 Deep-fried Sandwiched Bread
15) 香炸苏东饼 Crispy Sotong
16) 福州韭菜肉饼 Fookchow Chive & Meat Fritters
18) 中式春卷米饭派 Oriental Spring Roll Rice Pie
19) 米饭饼 Shallow-fried Rice Kuih
20) 酥炸芽菜饼 Beansprouts Fried Fritters
22) 牛肉薯饼 Beef & Potato Patties
23) 韭菜酥角 Chives Flaky Puffs
24) 三菇可丽饼 Three Mushrooms in Crepes
25) 椰丝香脆饼 Coconut Crisp Snack
26) 杯子煎粿 Shallow-fried Cup Kuih
28) 米层粿 Fried Layered Kuih
29) 传统白粿 Traditional Sibu White Kuih
30) 炒白粿 Savoury White Kuih
32) 薄饼面包卷 Bread in Crepe Rolls
33) 腐皮糯米卷 Foopei Glutinous Rice Rolls
34) 香酥米卷 Crispy Rice Rolls
36) 蛋皮菠菜如意卷 Egg Skin Wrapper Spinach Rolls
37) 美味包菜卷 Tasty Cabbage Rolls
38) 油葱粿 Shallot Crisp Topping Kuih
40) 福州面线糕 Fookchow Meesuah Kuih
41) 木瓜粿 Papaya Kuih
42) 什锦蒸杯糕 Mixed Vege & Fruit Cupcakes
44) 木薯糕 Tapioca Kuih with Special Effects
45) 糙米萝卜糕 Unpolished Rice Radish Kuih
46) 美味五豆糕 Tasty Five Beans Cake
47) 车轮香椰肉糕 Tube Pan Coconut Cream & Meat Cake
48) 芋丝夹南瓜饼 Unusual Taro & Pumpkin Patties
50) 烘通心粉糕 Baked Macaroni Kuih
51) 好味咸料糕 Savoury Cake
52) 香包冬粉 Egg Wrapper Parcel
53) 丸子藏宝 Hidden Treasure
54) 特色玫瑰饺 Rose-shaped Dumplings
56) 海蚌饺 Shell Shape Dumplings
57) 椰丝参峇糯米饭 Modern Sambal Pulut Inti
58) 三味窝包 Triple Flavours Nestled Paus
60) 福州鼎边糊 Fookchow Ding Pian Hoo
62) 福州蛋燕 Fookchow Eggy Noodle Treat
甜味小食糕点 Sweet Kuih-Muih
63) 创意汤圆 Innovative Sweet Dumplings
64) 木薯麻糬 Tapioca Balls
66) 香蕉麦薯糕 Lepat Kuih Pisang Nagasari
67) 古早阿邦巴丽 Old fashioned Apam Balik
68) 班兰曼煎粿 Pandan Flavour Man Chien Kuih
70) 椰丝煎糕 Coconut Pancakes
71) 帽子粿 Top Hat Kuih Fried
72) 蒸年糕 Yesteryear Neen Koh
73) 闽清满州糕 Manchuria Imperial Kuih
74) 风吹饼 Wind Blown Biscuits
76) 黑豆花生糕 Black Beans Groundnuts Kuih
77) 黑麻蜜层糕 Layered Black Forest Kuih
78) 螺角金字塔 Spiral Fried Snack
79) 钻石木薯糕 Golden Tower Tapioca Kuih
80) 葱花酥饼 Delicious Spring Onion Biscuits
81) 砂拉越硕莪饼 Sarawak Sago Biscuits
82) 鸡蛋仔糕 Small Sponge Cakes
83) 白软心红枣 White Centre Red Dates
根 据诗巫史料记载,中国福州人黄乃裳游说他的乡人移民到诗巫,结果成功招募了首批72名福州人于1901年1月21日抵达。第二批535名福州人在同年的3 月16日抵步,从此,这一天即被福州人定为"新福州垦场纪念日"。在6月,最后一批511福州人到达后,诗巫也被称为"新福州"。
余庚财与谢宋美(编 辑)
咸味小食糕点 Savoury Snacks
8) 福州红糟鸭 Red Rice Wine Yeast Unique Duck
10) 烧饼夹糟肉 Deep-Fried Buns Sandwiched with Meat
12) 鸡窝蛋 Chicken Coop Eggs
13) 家乡炸面包 Yesteryear Fried Bread
14) 酥炸三文治 Deep-fried Sandwiched Bread
15) 香炸苏东饼 Crispy Sotong
16) 福州韭菜肉饼 Fookchow Chive & Meat Fritters
18) 中式春卷米饭派 Oriental Spring Roll Rice Pie
19) 米饭饼 Shallow-fried Rice Kuih
20) 酥炸芽菜饼 Beansprouts Fried Fritters
22) 牛肉薯饼 Beef & Potato Patties
23) 韭菜酥角 Chives Flaky Puffs
24) 三菇可丽饼 Three Mushrooms in Crepes
25) 椰丝香脆饼 Coconut Crisp Snack
26) 杯子煎粿 Shallow-fried Cup Kuih
28) 米层粿 Fried Layered Kuih
29) 传统白粿 Traditional Sibu White Kuih
30) 炒白粿 Savoury White Kuih
32) 薄饼面包卷 Bread in Crepe Rolls
33) 腐皮糯米卷 Foopei Glutinous Rice Rolls
34) 香酥米卷 Crispy Rice Rolls
36) 蛋皮菠菜如意卷 Egg Skin Wrapper Spinach Rolls
37) 美味包菜卷 Tasty Cabbage Rolls
38) 油葱粿 Shallot Crisp Topping Kuih
40) 福州面线糕 Fookchow Meesuah Kuih
41) 木瓜粿 Papaya Kuih
42) 什锦蒸杯糕 Mixed Vege & Fruit Cupcakes
44) 木薯糕 Tapioca Kuih with Special Effects
45) 糙米萝卜糕 Unpolished Rice Radish Kuih
46) 美味五豆糕 Tasty Five Beans Cake
47) 车轮香椰肉糕 Tube Pan Coconut Cream & Meat Cake
48) 芋丝夹南瓜饼 Unusual Taro & Pumpkin Patties
50) 烘通心粉糕 Baked Macaroni Kuih
51) 好味咸料糕 Savoury Cake
52) 香包冬粉 Egg Wrapper Parcel
53) 丸子藏宝 Hidden Treasure
54) 特色玫瑰饺 Rose-shaped Dumplings
56) 海蚌饺 Shell Shape Dumplings
57) 椰丝参峇糯米饭 Modern Sambal Pulut Inti
58) 三味窝包 Triple Flavours Nestled Paus
60) 福州鼎边糊 Fookchow Ding Pian Hoo
62) 福州蛋燕 Fookchow Eggy Noodle Treat
甜味小食糕点 Sweet Kuih-Muih
63) 创意汤圆 Innovative Sweet Dumplings
64) 木薯麻糬 Tapioca Balls
66) 香蕉麦薯糕 Lepat Kuih Pisang Nagasari
67) 古早阿邦巴丽 Old fashioned Apam Balik
68) 班兰曼煎粿 Pandan Flavour Man Chien Kuih
70) 椰丝煎糕 Coconut Pancakes
71) 帽子粿 Top Hat Kuih Fried
72) 蒸年糕 Yesteryear Neen Koh
73) 闽清满州糕 Manchuria Imperial Kuih
74) 风吹饼 Wind Blown Biscuits
76) 黑豆花生糕 Black Beans Groundnuts Kuih
77) 黑麻蜜层糕 Layered Black Forest Kuih
78) 螺角金字塔 Spiral Fried Snack
79) 钻石木薯糕 Golden Tower Tapioca Kuih
80) 葱花酥饼 Delicious Spring Onion Biscuits
81) 砂拉越硕莪饼 Sarawak Sago Biscuits
82) 鸡蛋仔糕 Small Sponge Cakes
83) 白软心红枣 White Centre Red Dates