

Y3K Cookbook Volume No.21
ISBN: 978-983-44755-0-5
First published in October 2009

Retail price:
RM17 (West Malaysia)
RM19.50 (Sabah/ Sarawak)
$11 (S'pore/ Brunei)

Mail order:
RM19 (Malaysia)
$14 (Singapore/ Brunei)

Y3K 食谱专辑系列丛书之21
书名: 做糕真简单
ISBN: 978-983-44755-0-5

RM17 (西马)
RM19.50 (沙巴/砂拉越)
$11 (新加坡/汶来)

RM19 (西马/沙巴/砂拉越)
$14 (新加坡/汶来)

For enquiries, please mail to y3krecipes@gmail.com

Kuih-Muih Exotica

This book is the answer to the demand for Madam Wong to share more of her cookery talent as she has some examples of good kuih making.

Baked, boiled, steamed, fried or chilled, the verdict is that kuih is a favourite at many parties and gatherings. They are pleasing to the eye as well as the taste bud and as such make a lovely presentation. With a good spread printed, it's bound to wow family and guests as few can resist the appeal of kuih-muih.

So try your hand at making these snacks and desserts of old taste but with modern precision. It's fun to learn as Madam Wong shows the way.

Richard & Catherine (The Editors)








余庚财与谢宋美(编 辑)

About The Author

Madam Wong Sip Moi is a teacher by profession but has retired years ago. With a flair for cooking, she decided to upgrade her skill doing intensive training and research in various reputed cooking schools in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

In 1978, she started her cooking classes which has over the years trained hundreds and hundreds of cooking enthusiasts. Her many recipes have been repeatedly published by Y3K Publisher under titles of "Delightful Sweet Treats" (Vol.4), "Old-Fashioned Kuih-Muih"(Vol.7), "Traditional Koh Kuih, Lap Mei & Cookies"(Vol.14), "Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes"(Vol.20).

In response to repeated requests, the author has decided to select some of her new wave popular recipes for this fifth book of hers, known as "Traditional Kuih-Muih Step By Step"(Vol.21).

Happy trying!





煎及炸糕点 Shallow Fried & Deep Fried Kuih-Muih

6 脆炸三色年糕 Triple Decker Nian Gao
8 炸甜圈圈 Sweet Potato Doughnuts (Kuih Keria)
10 蜂巢炸香蕉 Crispy Banana Fritters (Pisang Goreng)
12 炸甜香蕉团 Jemput-jemput Pisang
14 脆炸绿豆饼 Green Bean Fritter Snacks
16 芋丝鲜虾球 Taro & Prawn Balls
18 脆炸马铃薯球 Deep-fried Potato Balls
20 香煎葱油饼 Panfried Spring Onion Pancakes
22 水煎包 Panfried Pau with Water
24 鲜虾锅贴 Crispy Oriental Prawn Ravioli
26 网状煎饼 Roti Jala
26 印尼式豆畔咖哩 Dhall Curry Indonesian-style
28 曼煎糕 Ban Chien Kuih (Apam Balik)
30 牛舌饼 Ox Tongue Biscuits

蒸糕 Steamed Kuih-Muih

32 南瓜喜粄 Pumpkin Hee Pan
34 花生馅南瓜喜粄 Pumpkin Hee Pan with Peanut Filling
36 五色蔬果养生糕 Colourful Gorgeous Veggie Kuih
38 鸳鸯糯米蓝花糕 Pulut Tekan with Kaya
40 咖椰糯米蓝花糕 Kuih Pulut Kaya
42 甜薯椰丝球 Onde-Onde
44 椰丝香兰卷 Kuih Dadar (Kuih Ketayap)
46 印尼木薯糕 Kuih Getuk (Pounded Tapioca Kuih)
47 椰浆红豆糕 Red Bean Kuih
48 木薯千层糕 Tapioca Layared Kuih
50 豆片千层糕 Green Peas Layered Kuih
52 双色椰浆糕 Kuih Talam
54 椰浆沙谷夹层糕 Abuk-abuk Sago with Coconut Milk Layer Topping
56 香芋沙谷米层糕 Taro Sago Layered Kuih
58 南瓜香芋层糕 Pumpkin Taro Kuih
60 芋茸椰浆糕 Taro & Coconut Milk Kuih
62 香兰椰浆马蹄糕 Kuih Tako
64 沙谷米椰浆层糕 Sago Coconut Milk Layer Kuih
66 椰丝木薯糕 Kuih Lepat Ubi
68 黑糯米裹仔粿 Black Glutinous Rice Kuih Kochi
70 椰糖香蕉糕 Lepat Pisang
72 槟城娘惹肉粿 Kuih Berlauk
74 香烤蕉叶糯米卷 Pulut Panggang
76 蕉盒软糕 Tepung Pelita

脆炸三色年糕 Triple Decker Nian Gao

脆炸绿豆饼 Green Bean Fritter Snacks

蜂巢炸香蕉 Crispy Banana Fritters (Pisang Goreng)

曼煎糕 Ban Chien Kuih (Apam Balik)

炸甜圈圈 Sweet Potato Doughnuts (Kuih Keria)

炸甜香蕉团 Jemput-jemput Pisang

五色蔬果养生糕 Colourful Gorgeous Veggie Kuih

香烤蕉叶糯米卷 Pulut Panggang

甜薯椰丝球 Onde-Onde

椰丝香兰卷 Kuih Dadar (Kuih Ketayap)

芋茸椰浆糕 Taro & Coconut Milk Kuih

椰丝木薯糕 Kuih Lepat Ubi

花生馅南瓜喜粄 Pumpkin Hee Pan with Peanut Filling


Y3K Cookbooks - Vol 20 - Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes 时尚燕菜月饼

Y3K Bilingual (English/ Chinese) Cookbook Vol.20
Title: Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes 时尚燕菜月饼
Authors: Wong Sip Moi
Publisher: Y Three K Publisher
ISBN:978-983-43531-9-3 (Printed in Malaysia)
First published: 1st August 2009
Selling Price: RM10 (excluding postage charges)
For enquiry, please e-mail to:y3krecipes@gmail.com



Turning Jelly Mooncake Fantasy Into Reality
We all look forward to yearly festivals and much of the allure lies in the traditions. As the mooncake festival comes around, it is often associated with eating mooncakes, small taroes, caltrops (ling jiao) and feasting. But during the last couple of years, a new wave mooncake known as jelly mooncake is the in-thing for the lantern festival.

In year 2007, Y3K has published a book on the theme of “MOONCAKES”. We received an overwhelming demand for more jelly mooncake recipes.

It was a pleasure to work with Mdm. Wong Sip Moi once again as she delivered her fourth book offering readers a vast choice of jelly mooncakes. Your efforts in experimenting with these recipes will surely bring forth good results.

作者序 About The Author



Madam Wong Sip Moi is a teacher by profession but has retired years ago. With a flair for cooking, she decided to upgrade her skill doing intensive training and research in various reputed cooking schools in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

In 1978, she started her cooking classes which has over the years trained hundreds and hundreds of cooking enthusiasts. Her many recipes have been repeatedly published by Y3K Publisher under titles of “Delightful Sweet Treats” (Vol.4), “Old-Fashioned Kuih-Muih” (Vol.7), “Traditional Koh Kuih, Lap Mei & Cookies” (Vol.14).

In response to repeated requests, the author has decided to select some of her new wave popular recipes for this fourth book of hers, known as “Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes” (Vol.20).

Happy trying!

1. 锦玉蛋花燕菜月饼 Pretty Lacy Eggy Jelly Mooncakes
2. 南瓜椰香黑芝麻燕菜月饼 Pumpkin Delight Jelly Mooncakes
3. 彩粒龙珠果燕菜月饼 Colourful Dragon Fruit Jelly Mooncakes
4. 白咖啡芝士燕菜月饼 White Coffee Cheese Jelly Mooncakes
5. 珍珠翡翠芋茸燕菜月饼 Pearl Emerald Taro Jelly Mooncakes
6. 草莓莲蓉燕菜月饼 Strawberry Lotus Paste Jelly Mooncakes
7. 蓝莓粟米燕菜月饼 Blueberry Sweetcorn Jelly Mooncakes
8. 雪花红豆燕菜月饼 Snowy Jelly Mooncakes with Red Bean Paste
9. 晶露椰糖香燕菜月饼 Cendol Palm Sugar Jelly Mooncakes
10. 龙珠芒果燕菜月饼 Dragon Fruit Mango Jelly Mooncakes
11. 粟米芋茸冰淇淋燕菜 Sweetcorn Taro Ice Cream Jelly Mooncakes
12. 芒果燕菜月饼 Mango Jelly Mooncakes
13. 沙谷米红枣燕菜月饼 Sago Red Dates Jelly Mooncakes
14. 红豆椰香燕菜月饼 Red Beans Coconut Layer Jelly Mooncakes
15. 苹果优格燕菜月饼 Apple Yoghurt Jelly Mooncakes
16. 提拉米苏冰淇淋燕菜月饼 Tiramisu Ice Cream Jelly Mooncakes
17. 葡萄优格燕菜月饼 Grape Juice Yoghurt Jelly Mooncakes
18. 西瓜椰汁燕菜月饼 Watermelon Coconut Milk Jelly Mooncakes
19. 蜜瓜豆沙燕菜月饼 Honeydew Melon Jelly Mooncakes
20. 珍珠环枣燕菜月饼 Sago Jelly Mooncakes
21. 龙珠果燕菜月饼 Dragon-fruit Jelly Mooncakes