Y3K Bilingual (English/ Chinese) Cookbook Vol.20
Title: Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes 时尚燕菜月饼
Authors: Wong Sip Moi
Authors: Wong Sip Moi
Publisher: Y Three K Publisher
ISBN:978-983-43531-9-3 (Printed in Malaysia)
First published: 1st August 2009
Selling Price: RM10 (excluding postage charges)
For enquiry, please e-mail to:y3krecipes@gmail.com延续月饼文化
Turning Jelly Mooncake Fantasy Into Reality
We all look forward to yearly festivals and much of the allure lies in the traditions. As the mooncake festival comes around, it is often associated with eating mooncakes, small taroes, caltrops (ling jiao) and feasting. But during the last couple of years, a new wave mooncake known as jelly mooncake is the in-thing for the lantern festival.
In year 2007, Y3K has published a book on the theme of “MOONCAKES”. We received an overwhelming demand for more jelly mooncake recipes.
It was a pleasure to work with Mdm. Wong Sip Moi once again as she delivered her fourth book offering readers a vast choice of jelly mooncakes. Your efforts in experimenting with these recipes will surely bring forth good results.
作者序 About The Author

Madam Wong Sip Moi is a teacher by profession but has retired years ago. With a flair for cooking, she decided to upgrade her skill doing intensive training and research in various reputed cooking schools in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.
In 1978, she started her cooking classes which has over the years trained hundreds and hundreds of cooking enthusiasts. Her many recipes have been repeatedly published by Y3K Publisher under titles of “Delightful Sweet Treats” (Vol.4), “Old-Fashioned Kuih-Muih” (Vol.7), “Traditional Koh Kuih, Lap Mei & Cookies” (Vol.14).
In response to repeated requests, the author has decided to select some of her new wave popular recipes for this fourth book of hers, known as “Fashionable Jelly Mooncakes” (Vol.20).
Happy trying!
1. 锦玉蛋花燕菜月饼 Pretty Lacy Eggy Jelly Mooncakes
2. 南瓜椰香黑芝麻燕菜月饼 Pumpkin Delight Jelly Mooncakes
3. 彩粒龙珠果燕菜月饼 Colourful Dragon Fruit Jelly Mooncakes
4. 白咖啡芝士燕菜月饼 White Coffee Cheese Jelly Mooncakes
5. 珍珠翡翠芋茸燕菜月饼 Pearl Emerald Taro Jelly Mooncakes
6. 草莓莲蓉燕菜月饼 Strawberry Lotus Paste Jelly Mooncakes
7. 蓝莓粟米燕菜月饼 Blueberry Sweetcorn Jelly Mooncakes
8. 雪花红豆燕菜月饼 Snowy Jelly Mooncakes with Red Bean Paste
9. 晶露椰糖香燕菜月饼 Cendol Palm Sugar Jelly Mooncakes
10. 龙珠芒果燕菜月饼 Dragon Fruit Mango Jelly Mooncakes
11. 粟米芋茸冰淇淋燕菜 Sweetcorn Taro Ice Cream Jelly Mooncakes
12. 芒果燕菜月饼 Mango Jelly Mooncakes
13. 沙谷米红枣燕菜月饼 Sago Red Dates Jelly Mooncakes
14. 红豆椰香燕菜月饼 Red Beans Coconut Layer Jelly Mooncakes
15. 苹果优格燕菜月饼 Apple Yoghurt Jelly Mooncakes
16. 提拉米苏冰淇淋燕菜月饼 Tiramisu Ice Cream Jelly Mooncakes
17. 葡萄优格燕菜月饼 Grape Juice Yoghurt Jelly Mooncakes
18. 西瓜椰汁燕菜月饼 Watermelon Coconut Milk Jelly Mooncakes
19. 蜜瓜豆沙燕菜月饼 Honeydew Melon Jelly Mooncakes
20. 珍珠环枣燕菜月饼 Sago Jelly Mooncakes
21. 龙珠果燕菜月饼 Dragon-fruit Jelly Mooncakes
hihi.. i wanna buy this book.. can i know if i order from u now .. when i will can receive the book?
This book is available at Popular Book Company, MPH Book Stores and most of the Baking Ingredient shops.
If unavailable, we accept mail orders too. Selling price is RM10. Postage charge within Malaysia is RM2. Total amount will be RM12. Other countries, please mail us y3krecipes@gmail.com
Hi there,
I would like to get this book. By the way do you still have other recipe books. Can you please provide me a list what are the available recipe books so that I can choose and order from you.
Thanks, Sue
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your support. All Y3K Cookbooks (Vol.1-vol.20) are available. You can view at this blog too. Most of the books are available at branches of Popular Book Company. Order directly from us are welcome!
i already bought this book, but may i noe wat is fresh whipped cream?
Fresh whipped cream (鲜奶油) is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk, commonly used in making icing for cakes. It is available at baking ingredient shops and large supermarkets' clod storage department. Packing is similar to fresh milk, must keep frozen or chill always.
but wat is the different between fresh whipping cream n non-dairy fresh whipping cream??
According to Wikipedia, non-dairy creamers are liquid or granular substances intended to substitute for milk or cream as an additive to coffee or other beverages. They do not contain lactose and are therefore not dairy products; accordingly, some parts of the world require the alternate term non-dairy whiteners that does not imply the presence of real cream.
I followed the recipe closely, the quantity used for each ingredient. I can make 2 large mooncakes at one time. But how come one is firm while the other is soggy?
It could be caused by undissolved or uneven agar-agar solution. Try to cook slightly longer after it has boil before pouring into moulds.
Should I even mix them properly before boiling? But I worry it will solidify even before that. I tried to reduce the quantity of water & add a bit more agar agar powder but it doesnt solidify at all. What's the problem?
Most probably it was cause by the agar-agar powder used.
I thought less water & more agar agar powder make it more set?
It depends very much on the brands and grades of agar-agar used.
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