Y3K Cookbook Volume No.27
ISBN 983-44755-6-7
First published in December, 2010
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Y3K 食谱专辑系列丛书之27
书名: 开运发糕
ISBN: 983-44755-6-7
RM20 (西马)
RM23 (沙巴/砂拉越)
RM22 (西马/沙巴/砂拉越)
$17 (新加坡/汶来)
For enquiries, please mail to y3krecipes@gmail.com

Fatt Koh: A Natural Heritage
Do you know the story of how fatt koh was born. According to folklore, a housewife accidentally spilled a bowl of wine residue onto her tray of batter meant for kuih. She had no choice but to steamed it as it would displease her in-laws with wastage. But the kuih came out all fluffy and nice. Fatt Koh was brought forth by mistake.
This kind of sweet rice cakes are more popular in southern China like the Teochew area, Fujian, certain clan of Hakkas, most Taiwanese and others. In the olden days, it was of good significance to eat fatt koh during the Lunar year. Traditionally, they are good symbolic food as altar table offerings.
After a good proof, you need strong heat to swell up the rice cakes so a well-risen cake should have a characteristic crack at the surface with a few segments giving out their smiley faces. As the word “fatt” rhymes with the pun of “being prosperous”, it should go down well with most Chinese people.
With the help of this book "Prosperity Fatt Koh", you can feast on 63 different range of fatt koh using either traditional, simple or savoury methods. Using many natural ingredients without the aid of artificial inedible food colouring,
it becomes a collection of fatt koh treats.目录 CONTENTS
8 传统发糕 Traditional Fatt Koh
10 传统香草发糕 Traditional Vanilla Fatt Koh
12 传统奇异果发糕 Traditional Kiwi Fruit Fatt Koh
14 传统百香果发糕 Traditional Passion Fruit Fatt Koh
16 传统洛神发糕 Traditional Roselle Flower Fatt Koh
18 传统覆盆子发糕 Traditional Raspberry Fatt Koh
20 传统桑椹果发糕 Traditional Mulberry Fatt Koh
22 传统青柠檬红茶发糕 Traditional Green Skinned Tangerine Red Tea Fatt Koh
24 传统芒果发糕 Traditional Mango Fatt Koh
26 传统蔗汁发糕 Traditional Cane Juice Fatt Koh
28 传统绿茶发糕 Traditional Green Tea Fatt Koh
30 传统薏米发糕 Traditional Barley Fatt Koh
32 传统甜菜根发糕 Tradtional Beetroot Fatt Koh
34 传统青瓜酸梅发糕 Traditional Cucumber Preserved Sour Plum Fatt Koh
36 传统莲藕发糕 Traditional Lotus Root Fatt Koh
38 传统黑枣发糕 Traditional Black Dates Fatt Koh
40 传统紫薯发糕 Traditional Purplish Sweet Potato Fatt Koh
42 传统芋泥发糕 Traditional Taro Fatt Koh
44 酒酿发糕 Tapai Fatt Koh
46 印尼发糕 Indonesian Fatt Koh
48 酒酿豆浆发糕 Tapai Soybean Milk Fatt Koh
50 酒酿草莓优格发糕 Tapai Strawberry Yoghurt Fatt Koh
52 酒酿西兰花发糕 Tapai Broccoli Fatt Koh
54 简易发糕 Simple Fatt Koh
56 糙米香发糕 Brown Rice Fatt Koh
58 双色发糕 Dual-coloured Fatt Koh
60 红糖发糕 Gula Perang Fatt Koh
62 五谷黄糖发糕 Five-Grain Brown Sugar Fatt Koh
64 红枣茶发糕 Red Date Tea Fatt Koh
66 桂格麦香发糕 Quaker Oats Fatt Koh
68 菊花山渣发糕 Chrysanthemum Haw Fatt Koh
70 龟苓蜂蜜发糕 Guilinggao Honey Fatt Koh
72 东革亚里咖啡发糕 Tongkat Ali Coffee Fatt Koh
74 蔓莓山药发糕 Cranberries Shan Yao Fatt Koh
76 红麴杞子发糕 Red Yeast Wolfberries Fatt Koh
78 黑芝麻发糕 Black Sesame Seed Fatt Koh
80 红豆发糕 Red Beans Fatt Koh
81 黑豆发糕 Black Bean Fatt Koh
82 香茅发糕 Lemon Grass Fatt Koh
84 黑金发糕 Black Gold Fatt Koh
86 苦瓜发糕 Bittergourd Fatt Koh
88 番茄发糕 Tomato Fatt Koh
90 金瓜发糕 Pumpkin Fatt Koh
92 波菜发糕 Spinach Fatt Koh
94 哈蜜瓜发糕 Honeydew Fatt Koh
96 蓝莓发糕 Blueberry Fatt Koh
97 椰浆发糕 Coconut Milk Fatt Koh
98 香蕉发糕 Banana Fatt Koh
99 罗汉果发糕 Luo Han Guo Fatt Koh
100 香橙发糕 Orange Flavoured Fatt Koh
102 桂香萍果发糕 Cinnamon Apple Fatt Koh
104 杂果发糕 Mixed Fruits Fatt Koh
106 榴莲发糕 Durian Fatt Koh
108 椰糖绿豆发糕 Palm Sugar Green Beans Fatt Koh
110 巧克力发糕 Chocolate Fatt Koh
112 可乐发糕 Cola Fatt Koh
114 培根马铃薯发糕 Bacon Potato Fatt Koh
116 咖哩鸡肉发糕 Chicken Curry Fatt Koh
118 香菇芋香咸发糕 Taro Mushroom Savoury Fatt Koh
120 虾米香发糕 Dried Shrimp Fatt Koh
122 牛油香葱发糕 Buttery Spring Onion Fatt Koh
124 芝士发糕 Cheese Fatt Koh
126 鲜奶玉米发糕 Fresh Milk Corn Kernel Fatt Koh

如果我只是要做发糕来祭神, 我可不可以用简易发糕(pg54)的食谱, 把粘米粉改成谱通面粉? 做来自己吃的,如果把双倍发粉改用yeast, 可以吗? 1g 的双倍发粉等于多少g的yeast?
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