Y3K Cookbook Volume No.28
ISBN 983-44755-7-4
First published in June, 2011
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Y3K 食谱专辑系列丛书之28
书名: 蒸面包
ISBN: 983-44755-7-4
RM15 (西马)
RM17 (沙巴/砂拉越)
RM17 (西马/沙巴/砂拉越)
$13 (新加坡/汶来)
For enquiries, please mail to y3krecipes@gmail.com

Steamed Bread In The Making
Bread making is often thought of as being very complicated and definitely an oven is needed in the final procedure. Beautiful aroma from baked bread can envelop a room and this spells a truly bonded family.
Many readers do not own an oven or cannot take baked products because of heatiness due to our tropical weather. Can bread be done through the steaming method?
The method we have printed is the answer as innovation has created fuel saving ways of cooking rice, ice cream being deep-fried, cakes baked in microwave ovens, so bread food can be produced without an oven.
Of course you cannot expect the aroma of steamed bread to waft around but this will be a new park of food with better nutrition and no heaty goodness.
Wholesome ingredients put together can be healthy concoctions. So enjoy imaginative ways with bread all day long.
8 蒸吐拿萍果面包 Steamed Tuna Apple Bread
10 蒸培根面包 Steamed Bacon Bread
12 蒸培根香葱卷 Steamed Bacon Spring Onion Rolls
14 蒸煎海鲜卷 Steamed Fried Seafood Rolls
16 蒸炸咸菜包 Steamed Deep-fried Hamchoy Buns
18 蒸蒜味芝士面包 Steamed Garlic & Cheese-Flavour Buns
20 香肠面包 Sausage Rolls
22 蒸芝士面包卷 Steamed Cheese Bread Rolls
24 蒸葱花面包 Steamed Spring Onion Bread
26 珍珠煎包 Fried Pearly Buns
28 日式咖哩面包 Japanese-style Curry Buns
30 蒸千层番薯面包 Steamed Multi-Layered Sweet Potato Buns
32 蒸红麴豆沙卷 Steamed Red Rice Wine Yeast Beanpaste Rolls
34 蒸五香面包卷 Steamed Five Spice Bread Rolls
36 花生卷 Peanut Rolls
38 番茄班兰卷 Tomato Pandan Rolls
40 养生面包 Nutritious Bread
42 番薯开口面包 Sweet Potato Smiley Buns
44 巧克力甜甜圈 Steamed Chocolate Doughnuts
46 古早味蒸面包 Traditional Steamed Buns
48 山药桂圆面包 Steamed Herbal Taste Buns
50 波菜南瓜卷 Spinach Pumpkin Rolls
52 蒸芝麻豆腐辫子面包 Steamed Sesame Seed Taufoo Plait
54 西瓜造型面包 Mock Watermelon Buns
56 紫蝴蝶卷 Purple Butterfly Bows
58 黑豆健康面包 Steamed Black Bean Buns
60 绿豆面包 Green Beans Bread
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