Y3K Cookbook Volume No.32
Author: Mdm Wong Sip Moi
ISBN 978-967-0328-01-0
First published in October, 2011
Retail price:
RM10 (West Malaysia)
RM12.50 (Sabah/ Sarawak)
$7 (S'pore/ Brunei)
Mail order:
RM12 (Malaysia)
$10 (Singapore/ Brunei)
Y3K 食谱专辑系列丛书之32
书名: 水果燕菜作者: 黄雪梅老师
ISBN: 978-967-0328-01-0
RM10 (西马)
RM12.50 (沙巴/砂拉越)
RM12 (西马/沙巴/砂拉越)
$10 (新加坡/汶来)
For enquiries, please mail to y3krecipes@gmail.com

Colourful Natural Jelly Desserts
Agar-agar is actually derived from a Malay word, but it has become quite a universal word for the different strands of seaweeds (Gelidium and Gracilaria) used in the making of translucent look jelly desserts.
With a hot weather most year round, cold jellies are a hit with locals and generally it is a natural white colour solution with the addition of white sugar. As we all like the aroma of pandan leaves, in it goes for flavouring and discarded after a boil when the sugar has dissolved well. It is allowed to set and then kept chilled before serving or even can be served non-chilled as according to personal desire.
At other stages, colouring can be added in but today most people prefer it with a natural range of colour ingredients for health benefits.
This issue bring you many ideas to get the most of agar-agar as desserts which need not be served at the end of a meal but can be eaten as easily digested food in meal planning.
8 西瓜黑莓奇异果燕菜 Watermelon Blackberry Kiwi Jelly
10 草莓葡萄水蜜桃燕菜 Strawberry Grape Peach Jelly
12 水果盆 Attractive Fruit Platter
14 荔枝草莓青葡萄燕菜 Lychee Strawberry Grape Jelly
16 风梨西瓜燕菜 Pineapple Watermelon Jelly
18 奇异果草莓燕菜 Kiwi Fruit Strawberry Jelly
20 草莓黄桃青紫葡萄燕菜 Strawberry Peach Grapes Jelly
22 芒果青红葡萄燕菜 Mango Red & Green Grapes Jelly
24 三色葡萄燕菜 Triple Colours Grape Jelly
26 红白火龙果燕菜 Red & White Dragon Fruit Jelly
28 年柑奇异果燕菜 Mandarin Oranges Kiwi Fruit Jelly
30 莲雾水蜜桃蜜瓜燕菜 Rose Apple Peach Honeydew Jelly
32 水蜜桃奇异果燕菜 Peach Kiwi Fruit Jelly
34 黑莓晶露玉米燕菜 Blackberries Cendol Corn Jelly
36 香芒奇异果燕菜 Mango Kiwi Fruit Jelly
38 龙眼草莓燕菜 Longan Strawberry Jelly
40 香橙黑莓蜜瓜燕菜 Orange Blackberry Honeydew Jelly
42 蓝莓水蜜桃青葡萄燕菜 Blueberry Peach Grape Jelly
44 木瓜香蕉燕菜 Papaya Banana Jelly
46 百香果黑莓燕菜 Pumpkin Sago Chilled Kuih

Above moulds are available for sale. Please contact 603-89453000, fax: 603-89450888 or e-mail to y3krecipes@gmail.com.