Author: Dato' Lim Bian Yam
Y Three K Publisher
41-1, Jalan SB Indah 1/2A,
Taman Sungai Besi Indah,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
Tel: 603- 89453000
Fax: 603- 8945 0888
e-mail: admin@y3k.com.my
First published: June 2007
ISBN 983-40623-9-2

Recipes Worth A Gem
This book is to be treasured as the author is known for his well-tested recipes. It may raise a couple of eyebrows if we estimate the face value of these recipes at One Hundred Thousand Ringgit. But if you understand that cooking is a work of art, you will comprehend the many digit amount.
Master Lim Bian Yam is currently the country's leading food personality. His flair for cooking was recognized early on and he started demonstrating gourmet cooking in the sixties and appeared as a cooking host on television shows in many countries. In this 40 over years of teaching, his students come from all walks of life. They range from the ordinary to housewives, chefs, professionals and royalties. He shares with them his enjoyment of good food and authentic or improvised recipes, both are inseparable. Known as the "Master Of Chefs", he trains many chefs and obviously his high-end fees is no secret. A general recipe with close personal attention can start with a ceiling price of One Thousand Ringgit.
Master Lim has kept a low profile and away from many media interviews. Yet, it was kind of him to accept the voluntary post of an Advisor in our Y3K magazine. He has also contributed recipes to the column since year 2002. In time, these recipes have grown into a sizeable collection and we all unanimously agreed that it was time to compile them in a book. Clear instructions and a good guide will ensure a 100% successful attempt each try.
There are more than 100 recipes in this volume. It is good value for those who enjoy cooking.
Richard & Catherine
The Editors

Lim Bian Yam - The Master Chef
If you believe you can fly, you can. Believing in the true spirit of his dictum "Cook With Love, Eat With Gratitude". Lim Bian Yam soars unparalleled in the realm of the culinary art, in this part of the region. A Grand Master of chefs and Malaysian Floral Art Master, Bian Yam was awarded the "Living Heritage Treasure of Penang" Award 2005 besides being bestowed the Silver Shield Valor America and the International Order of Merit Cambridge.
This man of distinction pursues his passion for cooking with love and sincerity in order to create the finest of dishes ranging from the exotic to the most exquisite to delight even the most discerning connoisseurs of food. Perfection is the ultimate goal for Bian Yam. Finding the elusive harmony and balance in his recipe is yet another challenge but Master Lim persists in much research and experiment to achieve the perfect blend in taste, texture, aroma, colour and form for his preparations. When this is achieved, joy, appreciation and gratitude exude - a reflection of distinction.
This "Ambassador of Malaysian Cuisine" as he is sometimes referred to, is a rare combination of a distinguished chef and an inspiring teacher. Often, boundless tributes are showered by his loyal and grateful students for his selfless nature in sharing his knowledge and experience without reservations to enrich their performance in the art. With Bian Yam you do not only learn the art of cooking but also the art of food presentation.
This is Lim Bian Yam, a Master Chef Extraordinaire, who is a man of compassion, charity, commitment and dedication. You wouldn't know him until you have met him. There is so much in this "Living Heritage Treasure of Penang" who has also written three books on the art of arranging flowers namely, "The Eye of the Flower Arranger"(Collingridge,1967), "Floral Creation"(Federal Publications,1977) and "Inspirations"(Lim Bian Yam, 1966). His zest and enthusiasm are enough to spur anyone to success. Truly, he deserves the accolades of a Master Chef and a Floral Art Maestro.
Tan Lye Hoe
Over 100 authentic recipes from the master of chefs with step-by-step guide. (Bilingual)
A) 娘惹经典食谱Authentic NYONYA Recipes1. 槟城娘惹咖喱蔬菜Penang Nyonya Mixed Vegetable Curry
2. 娘惹豆油肉 Nyonya Tow Ewe Bah
3. 槟城娘惹炸鸡(胭脂鸡)Inche Kebin
4. 槟城娘惹封肉 Penang-Style Nyonya Hong Bak
5. 槟城娘惹咸菜鸭 Penang-Style Nyonya Kiam Chai Ak
6. 娘惹香料卤鸭 Nyonya-Style Spicy Duck Stew
7. 槟城娘惹甜酸蒸鱼 Penang-Style Nyonya Sweet & Sour Steamed Fish
8. 娘惹甜酸香料虾 Nyonya Spicy Sweet Sour Prawns
9. 娘惹焖煎蛋 Fried Eggs Cooked In Nyonya-Style (Belandah)
10. 娘惹开胃酱拌蔬菜 Nyonya All Purpose Sauce With Mixed Vegetables
11. 娘惹网状煎饼 Roti Jala (Peranakan Lacy Pancakes)
12. 辛辣羊肉薯泥卷 Spicy Potato Lamb Wrapped In Roti Jala
13. 传统咖喱鸡拌网状煎饼 Traditional Chicken Curry With Roti Jala
14. 娘惹云耳汤 Wan Nee Th'ng
B) 亚洲精选美食 Truly ASIAN Favourites
15. 泰式班兰青咖喱鸡 Thai-style Pandan Leaves Chicken In Green Curry Paste
16. 泰式烧烤香椰鸭 Thai-style Roast Duck
17. 泰式/越式香茅虾 Thai/ Vietnamese-style Lemon Grass Prawns
18. 泰式黄沙爹 Thai-style Satay
19. 泰式马来盏炒饭 Thai-style Belachan Fried Rice
20. 泰式酿蟹配酸辣酱 Thai-style Stuffed Crabs With Sour Spicy Sauce
21. 泰式瓦煲冬粉虾 Glass Noodles With Prawns In Claypot (Thai-style)
22. 泰式蒸鱼汤 Thai-style Steamed Fish Soup
23. 泰式辣沙 Kaeng Som
24. 冬卡开 Tom Kha Kai
25. 越式南瓜番薯汤 Pumpkin Kumara Soup
26. 马来式番薯什锦汤 Malay Style Tetae Lemak
27. 叁末鹌鹑蛋 Sambal Telur Puyuh
28. 印度式煎鲑鱼 Meen Molee (Kerala Fish In Coconut Milk)
29. 鳕鱼豆畔 Cod Fish With Dhall Accompaniment
30. 南印度香饭 Southern India Spicy Rice
31. 南印度炒菜 Southern India Fried Vegetables
32. 豆畔香饭烧烤虾 Kitcheri With Grilled Prawns
33. 苋菜鲜菇焖豆畔 Spinach Fresh Mushrooms And Dhall
34. 印度虾仁豆饼 Indian Prawn Vaday
35. 香浓蔬菜豆畔 Flavoursome Lentils and Vegetable
C)节日庆典中餐典Renowned CHINESE Festive Dishes
36. 鸡叉烧 Chicken Char Siew
37. 富贵虾粥 Fu Kwai Har Chok
38. 富贵长寿霸王面 Lobster Noodles Kingdom
39. 经典喜庆腊味饭 Epitome Lub-Mei-Fun
40. 烧鸭糯米饭 Loh Mai Xiu Ngaab
41. 酥脆金钱豆腐 Deep Fried Gold Coin Puffs
42. 鸿图面 Old-Fashioned Hong Tou Mee
43. 五花焖肉拌香面 Noodles With Braised Spiced Meat
44. 衣锦荣归鳕鱼片 Grilled Codfish With Pine Nuts
45. 天地精华焖冬菇 Traditional-Style Braised Mushrooms
46. 富裕鲜鲍江瑶柱 Opulent Abalone Scallop Dish
47. 笋尖鲜菇贵妃鸡 Empress Chicken With Bamboo Shoots And Mushrooms
48. 白云蒸蟹肉 Steamed Crabmeat On A Piece Of Cloud
49. 煎蛋白 White Omelette
D) 西餐中的魔术师酱汁小兵立大功 A Magician's Wand Simple or Exotic Sauces
50. 黄褐汁酱 Brown Sauce
51. 鸡肝酱 Fused Liver Sauce
52. 白酱菜汁 Mornay Sauce
53. 辣根酱汁 Horseradish Sauce
54. 荷兰汁 Hollandaise Sauce
55. 白酒酱汁 White Wine Sauce
56. 开胃腌洋葱灯笼椒 Onion & Capsicum Salsa
57. 开胃杂色菜 Coleslaw
58. 香煎红萝卜 Pan-Fried Carrot
59. 熏肉冬菇马铃薯泥 Mashed Potatoes Bacon Mushrooms
60. 蔬菜番茄酱 Vegetables & Tomatoes Sauce
E)经典西餐 Heritage WESTERN Cuisine61. 家庭式汉堡包 Home-made Hamburger
62. 鸡蛋马铃薯沙拉 Potato Egg Salad
63. 日本烧汁扒 Teriyaki Steaks
64. 辣根酱黑椒牛扒 Grilled Pepper Steak With Horseradish Sauce
65. 烧扒与黄褐汁酱 Grilled Steaks With Brown Sauce
66. 烧烤扒配面薄 Ribeye Steak With Chinese Fettuccine And Brown Sauce
67. 法式迷迭香羊排 French Lamb Cutlet With Rosemary
68. 牛柳片配腌洋葱灯笼椒 Beef Tenderloin With Capsicum Salsa, Fused Liver Sauce And Sarawak Black Bario Rice
69. 法国式烤羊小排 French-Roast Best End Of Lamb
70. 法式白酒焗带子拌烤薯泥 French-Style Scallops In White Wine
71. 法国式鲜蘑菇烤鸡 French-Style Roast Chicken With Mushrooms
72. 蒸烤烧鸡与蒜茸酱 Steam-baked Roast Chicken With Stuffing and Garlic Sauce
73. 烘火腿 Baked Ham
74. 法式白酒鱼扒 French-Style Sword Fish In White Wine
75. 西式奶油鱼肉浓汤 Fish Chowder
76. 葡式咖哩虾 Prawns In Curry Sauce Portugese-Style
77. 白酱烤菜花及海鲜 Cauliflower Seafood Mornay
78. 龙虾带子沙律 Lobster/ Scallop Cocktail
79. 菲律宾式咖哩虾 Curry Prawns Casserole Philipina
80. 皇室烤鱼拌意大利面 Fish Royale From The Phillipines
81. 番茄烤牛肉碎 Beefy Tomatoes Casserole
82. 香烤吐拿鱼 Tuna Baked Casserole
83. 串烧羊肉 Barbecued Lamb
84. 俄罗斯大虾面 Prawn Stroganoff
85. 意大利甜酸牛肉丸面 Tangy Beef Balls Pasta
86. 肉酱意大利面 Fettuccine Bolognaise
F)精美糕点甜品Delightful DESSERTS
87. 南瓜马蹄咖椰 Pumpkin Water Chestnut Kaya
88. 炖蛋 Steamed Egg Custard
89. 红枣红苹果糖水 Red Dates Red Apples Tong Suey
90. 芦荟竹蔗Aloe Vera Cooler
91. 咖啡五味酒 Coffee Punch
92. 甜心忌廉苏打水 Sweet Creamy Soda Smoothie
93. 香滑榛果糊 Hazelnut Creme
94. 沙林-泰式糖水 Salim (Thai-style Dessert)
95. 泰式马蹄糖水 Thai-style Water Chestnuts In Syrup
96. 印度苏琪糕 Kestari (An Indian Sugee Dessert)
97. 绿豆粉糕 Hoon Kuih
98. 香甜椰丝香蕉拌煎饼 Coconut and Banana Crepes
99. 娘惹沙谷糕 Abuk-Abuk Sago
100. 迷你多纳 Mini Doughnuts
G)创意沙律 Innovative SALADS
101. 酸梅酱沙律配烧鸭 Roast Duck Salad With Sour Plum Dressing
102. 泰式鸡肉碎沙律 Thai-Style Minced Chicken Meat Salad
103. 酸辣芒果配盐焗软壳蟹 Mango Salad With Soft Shelled Crabs
104. 青美奶滋沙律酱配炸鱼 Fried Fish Dressed With Green Mayonnaise
105. 蒜茸沙律调味料 Garlic Salad Dressing
106. 开胃香蕉花芯沙拉 Banana Flower Salad
H) 糕饼烘焙All Time BAKING Favourites107. 白巧克力杏脯曲奇White Chocolate Apricot Cookies
108. 早餐煎饼 Breakfast Pancakes
109. 印度爽脆酥饼 Indian Shortbread
110. 水果松脆饼 Fruit Crumble
111. 蛋香吐拿派 Egg Fragrant Tuna Pie
112. 蛋白霜甜品 Pavlova